Currently - January 2021

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Personal Challenge - Yoga Week 1

Learning should never cease. I'll say it louder for the people in the back 


My husband asked me the other night if I was enjoying my course work for my masters. I can honestly answer that I am. I enjoy learning. I've enjoyed revisiting lessons from my undergrad and I've enjoyed pushing myself to think differently and challenge my previous ideas. 

The course I am currently in [School Improvement in the 21st Century] has presented a challenge to learn something new. It doesn't have to be in the educational realm, it can be anything that I'd like to learn to do or do better. 

People of the internet, I present to you... Mrs. Ramsey turns Yogi

A Yogi is someone who practices yoga. See, if you didn't know that term already, you've already learned something new today.

Here is the jist of the learning challenge and how I plan to track my progress. 
Bolded is my course instructor's directions.
Blue is my game plan/progress.

Forums for the next few weeks will be dedicated to our own Personal Learning Challenge that Katie Martin describes our text [Learner-Centered Innovation: Spark Curiosity, Ignite Passion and Unleash Genius, link to book:]. Just like Katie’s students, we will need to identify a skill, talent, or activity that you would like to learn.  

The guidelines are the same as Katie laid out for her learners:

My personal learning goal for the next few weeks is to become fluent in a yoga flow. I will know I have achieved this when I can successfully complete by memory a ten-minute yoga flow without stopping, falling over, losing balance, or laughing. 

**Identify resources to support your learning process.  Resources could be people, organizations, websites, books, etc.
My friend Cate who is a yoga instructor. Maggie Binkley yoga videos on amazon prime. Yoga books. Yoga enthusiasts from Instagram. My friend Marilyn who owns and teaches at a yoga studio for kids. 

Week 1: I've begun using Maggie Binkley workouts from Amazon Prime Video. Think link is:
They are 15 min workouts that are pretty doable for beginners. 
She has a big range if you'd like to try one, I really love that they are only 15 min long because as a momma of two little goobers, sometimes it's hard to find the time!

**Begin learning your target activity or skill.  As you learn, monitor your progress in our weekly Personal Learning Challenge Forums.  
I plan to monitor my progress in three ways; duration of plank hold (endurance), headstand without assistance (balance), and yoga flow memorization (breathing and focus).  

Week 1: Stats
     Plank Time: 1 minute 16 seconds
     Headstand: Unsuccessful, I am able to sorta stand on my head with the help of a wall. 
     Yoga Flow: This was not as bad as I thought, but I'm not fluent by any "stretch" of the imagination. I need to memorize more moves before I can put them all in one fluid flow.


**Use our Forums, AND any social media you would like to connect with a network, share progress, and get both feedback and support from your friends and colleagues.  Please share what (if any) additional social media you are using, and any feedback or support you have gained from using the additional resource.
I plan on sharing this on my Instagram and maybe on the blog. [here we are on the blog] Wish me luck! My teacher gram is mrs.ramsey.eats.and.teaches

Week 1: 
For the yoga challenge I am currently following; yoga_girl Rachel Brathen, sumitsyogaspringfield, and the hashtag #yogabeginners

     Plank Time: 1 minute 16 seconds

     Headstand: Unsuccessful, I am able to sorta stand on my head with the help of a wall.

On my hands...

On my elbows...

Failure leads to learning.

     Yoga Flow: This was not as bad as I thought, but I'm not fluent by any "stretch" of the imagination. I need to memorize more moves before I can put them all in one fluid flow.

I hope you can find something new to try, make it something just for you. I don't think teachers take enough time to do things just for themselves.

Stay Well, 